Geneva Granatstein has been elected to serve a three-year term on the Legal Marketing Association (LMA) West Region Board. She will serve as 2024 President Elect, 2025 President, and 2026 Immediate Past President.
As West Region President Elect, Granatstein will work with Board Members to plan and attend regional conferences, improve the efficiency and strategy of the LMA, ensure the financial health of the region, and govern Local Steering Committees, among other responsibilities. Granatstein has been an active LMA volunteer for many years, most recently serving as an Immediate Past Chair of the Northwest Local Steering Committee and as a member of the 2023 Tech West Conference Planning Committee.
LMA is the leading community of legal marketers, including in-house marketers, service providers, and consultants from around the world. Engaging in thought leadership, professional advocacy, and personal enrichment, LMA furthers marketing’s position in the legal industry.