Janet Larsen received the Outstanding Leader Award at the 2021 Federal Bar Association (FBA) Annual Meeting and Convention for her role as Oregon Chapter President. She served as President from July 2020 to June 2021.
The Oregon Chapter also received a Presidential Excellence Chapter Activity Award related to its activities over the past year, including its well-attended, robust noontime monthly programming. It also received the Chapter Community Outreach Award for its support and outreach in the local community. Among the activities supported by the Oregon Chapter was a podcast series involving voting rights, which the chapter co-sponsored alongside the Oregon Historical Society.
During this past year, the Oregon Chapter also committed to a partial sponsorship of a scholarship for the Multnomah Bar Association Fellows Program designed to provide an employment opportunity for a diverse student. The particular sponsorship will provide work to a student during the summer of 2022 at either the U.S. Attorneys’ office or Federal Defenders’ office, or as an intern for a Judge in the Oregon District Court. These awards were announced and presented at the FBA’s Annual Meeting and Convention held in Miami, Florida, September 23-25, 2021.