Lane Powell and del Prado Philanthropy are co-hosting a two-day orientation to planned giving on February 8-9, primarily targeted towards nonprofit development officers and planned giving directors. Attendees will get an introduction to gifts in wills, trusts and beneficiary designation accounts; an introduction to life income plans, charitable lead trusts, retained life estate and bargain sales; how to create your annual planned giving marketing and outreach plan; how to discover, engage, cultivate, solicit and steward planned gift donors; best practices in building endowments; how to deal with planned gifts that no longer work; best practices in bequest administration; ethical issues in planned giving and interacting with seniors; planned giving strategies involving illiquid assets; and how to incorporating planned gifts in campaigns.
Lane Powell faculty include Jenifer Jewkes, Jamie Lanier, Sarah MacLeod, Gail Mautner, Mary Lee Moseley, Heidi Orr, Kate Spelman and Dawn Spratley.